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COVID-19 Update and Plan of Action

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SCC Family,

As many of you know, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Federal and State governments have asked churches and other organizations to limit the size of events and public gatherings to less than 10 individuals.  For SCC, this primarily affects our ability to meet for Wednesday Night Activities and our Sunday morning worship gathering.

Last night church leadership met to put a plan in place for this unique season.  We desire to continue to provide opportunities for you to worship with your family and personally grow in your faith.  We will continue to monitor the situation on a weekly basis.  


We will continue to record an audio sermon that will be posted on our website every Sunday, beginning this weekend.  Starting March 29, we hope to also provide a video livestream of church prayer and teaching on the SCC Facebook page (www.facebook.com/stockhamcommunitychurch).


To supplement our Wednesday Night Activities, we will also post family resources and teaching on Wednesday evenings via Facebook.  

Prayer Correspondence

Please let Pastor Paul or myself know how we can continue to pray for your needs.  


Church outreach and operating expenses continue to be ongoing during this time.  To continue your giving, we are encouraging individuals to write checks made out to Stockham Community Church and send them to 401 Scott Street, Stockham NE 68818.  Another great option is to contribute by your bank's bill pay system.  

Thank you so much for your flexibility during this time.   Please watch for an upcoming church campaign to assist us in our efforts to minister as the church to our communities.  We look forward to once again gathering together in person to worship the living God.  

We will continue to keep you updated during this fluid time.  

Pastor Rick

Posted by Rick Bartek with

COVID-19 Announcement

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Church family,

SCC Leadership desired to address the current COVID-19 concerns and wanted to notify you as to what action we are taking to do our part during the pandemic.   

First, we want to acknowledge that as the people of God, we are exhorted by the Word of God to not be given over to fear. We serve an authoritative and sovereign God.  We also want to acknowledge that Scripture exhorts us to love our neighbor. Thus, we desire to act responsibly.  We will still be having Sunday school and our worship gathering on Sunday morning. In keeping with a pro-life ethic to protect the vulnerable and walking in the advice of medical professionals, we have decided to postpone communion to a future date. We will also adapt the way that we handle our offering portion of the worship gathering.  Please be aware that we have asked the greeters to restrain from shaking hands.  If individuals have a weakened or compromised immune system, please take proper precautions.  As the people of God, we desire to use wisdom and walk in accordance to the recommendations of medical and government officials.  

Finally, please take time to pray for our church, communities, nation, and world.  It is evident during times like these of the fear that grips so many and the need of the Gospel hope to take root.  If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact one of the pastors or deacons.  Thank you.  


Posted by Rick Bartek with
