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February 19 - Wednesday Night Activities

This Wednesday, February 19, there will be no Wednesday Night Activities at church due to the extremely cold weather. In lieu of our usual activities, please use the resource below to rest and refocus as a family. Please note that we will move the advertised “Family Night" from March 5 to this Wednesday (Feb 19).

During our family nights we intentionally pause all church activities to open up a time for families to be a family. Our hope and prayer is that it would be an evening of laughter and fun as you enjoy each other's company. Here are the instructions that we would encourage you to adopt for the evening.


#1: Limit all distractions. We highly recommend that the evening be “screen free,” so that your family can be free from all that is happening “out there” in order to focus on the lot that God has given inside of your walls.

#2: Eat together. There is something very powerful about sharing meal together. The meal doesn’t have to be complicated! In fact, we recommend that it be simple and stress-free. It may be helpful during the meal to ask each individual the following:

     -High - What was the high part of your day?

     -Low - What was the lowest part of your day?

     -Buffalo - What was an unexpected part of your day?

#3: Pray together. If possible, we recommend that the father lead in a prayer. If you are new to prayer, don’t sweat it, we have provided a prayer below that can be read or used as a model.

Prayer:  Father, we praise you that you are the God who made us and shepherds us. We are thankful for your grace and love shown through your Son, Jesus. And we invite your Spirit to be among us this evening as we spend time together as a family. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.

#4: Read Scripture. If you need a suggestion as to what to read, Psalm 100 would be a great place to turn to.

#5: Have fun together. Pull out a board game, play hide-and-seek, or some other game. The goal is to intentionally enjoy one another.

If you are married with no kids in the home, we would encourage you to also spend the evening intentionally investing in your marriage. Likewise, if you are single, consider grabbing a friend (or group) to focus upon an intentional night of friendship. In both cases, feel free to adapt the instructions to best fit your situation.


Posted by Rick Bartek with

Fasting Guide & Sample Ballot


The Lord is on the move and has immensely blessed our church numerically. We celebrate this blessing and praise God for it as Stockham Community Church has become home for many people. This growth means more individuals are hearing and growing in the gospel. It has propelled us to consider how to faithfully steward the gospel in our church and area. We are hungry to see not only the church grow wider in number but deeper in following Jesus. We want to be a church that gathers in order to scatter to our neighborhoods and send to the nations. Because of that, our facility must not be seen as a landing spot, but a launching pad. As we have experienced the Lord’s blessing in numbers, we have sought the Lord’s will for stewarding for spiritual depth. For the last two years, we, as a church, have been asking the Lord to reveal to us His desired vision. This seeking of the Lord’s will has led us to a fast and feast.

On December 15, we will hold a congregational vote as to whether the best way to steward the gospel in our area is to expand our current facility. We desire for the Lord to make clear what His will is so that we can continue to be faithful servants who make disciples as Jesus commanded in Matthew 28. In preparation for the vote, we are calling for a congregational fast. Throughout the Bible, fasting was done in order to prepare for major decisions or to seek the wisdom of God. Fasting simply is the process in which we willfully and intentionally refrain from an activity such as eating in order to seek the Lord and to rely on Him more. While fasting in the Bible was primarily from food, principally we can fast through a variety of means. Ideally, we would ask if you are able to fast from food to do so. If that is not possible because of a specific circumstance or medical condition, seek to abstain from comforts that would provoke dependency upon the Lord and remind you of your hunger for His leading in this decision. In this abstinence, you should pray and meditate upon Scripture. At some time during the week leading up to our worship gathering on December 15, set aside a day for fasting with prayer and meditation on God’s Word. Fast for a full day or for a minimum of one meal. During mealtime, instead of eating, sit in prayer and “feast” on God’s Word. Consider using the following Scripture for meditation if needed (Ephesians 4:1-16; Colossians 3:12-17; Matthew 6:5-15; Matthew 9:35-38).

We will break this fast together with the Lord’s Table on the 15th and a provided meal after our Worship Gathering. We are so grateful for all that the Lord has done in and through our congregation and look forward to how He leads us into His plans.

For an explanation of the vote, please click the sample ballot below. If you will be unable to attend church and the congregational meeting on the 15th but would still like to vote, please contact one of the deacons to obtain a ballot or cast your vote. Thank you.



Click Here: Proposed Building Plans

Posted by Rick Bartek with

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