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Pray 5:19

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Psalm 33:6 says, "By the word of the LORD the heavens were made, and by the breath of his mouth all their host."  We serve a mighty God who reigns over all His creation.  Through the perfect, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, His church has access into the throne room of grace.  Thus, a staggering truth is that we serve a God who is all-powerful and hears our prayer.  1 Peter 3:12 says, "For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and his ears are open to their prayer."  Prayer is the one of the greatest privileges that the people of God have.  In times of trouble, the people of God are called to pray!  


Over the next 5 days, the SCC family will have a time of focused prayer for God to move among the COVID-19 pandemic.  We are calling this prayer initiative "Pray 5:19."  The plan is that each day at 5:19 p.m. the church will collectively focus our prayer on a specific category.  It may be helpful to set a reminder for 5:19 p.m.   


Monday - Local & Global Church            

Tuesday - Medical Professionals

Wednesday - Local/State/Federal Government

Thursday - World

Friday - Gospel Advancement

Posted by Rick Bartek with

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