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Announcement from Pastor Paul

Our Dear Church Family,

Words cannot fully express the love that Kathy and I have
for you. Serving as your pastor is a very big honor for me.
Watching you grow and mature in your Christian lives is a true
blessing. We are grateful for the years of shared service and
ministry and we look forward to continuing our faith journey
together with you.

As you know, our church has sensed the need to add
another full time pastor. It has been increasingly difficult for
Rick and me to meet all the needs and fulfill the responsibilities
before us. There are also other ministry opportunities, which
we have as a church, that we can’t take advantage of without
additional staff. I have been in on the conversations and have
been in complete agreement with the decision to bring on
another pastor from the beginning of the process. The
leadership of this church is committed to our four pillars of
Worship, Fellowship, Personal Growth, and Evangelism. As the
days seem to be growing darker, it is even more important for
us as a church to “Let our light so shine before men . . .” We feel
that adding another staff person will better enable us to do

Many of you have walked with me through some major
health issues in the past few years. Lingering effects from
those, coupled with my age, have made it increasingly difficult
for me to prepare and deliver messages week after week on
top of teaching and other responsibilities. I wanted to let you
know, as my dear church family, that when I complete the
messages on II Timothy in a few weeks, I will no longer be
preaching another series. Lord willing, it will not be my final
time behind this pulpit, but Rick will be doing the bulk of the
preaching. I plan to continue teaching SS for a time yet.

Kathy and I have been talking for some time about the
milestones that are approaching this fall, 45 years of serving as
the pastor of Stockham Community Church, and reaching the
age of 75. These seem appropriate times to make some
changes. The specifics are not all spelled out in a concrete way,
but as we, along with the leadership of the church, seek the
Lord’s guidance we feel confident He will lead us in this
transition, and we will keep you informed as the weeks
progress. We do feel led to continue the ministries of
hospitality and visitation, which we love to do, and will
continue to be a part of the leadership and ministry of this
great church as long as the Lord allows.

Please pray for us, for our church, and for the new pastor
that will join the leadership team in the near future.

In His Great Love,
Paul & Kathy

Missions Conference - Sept 27

Sunday, September 27, is our Mission Conference.  During the Sunday school hour the Jr High, High School & both adult classes will meet upstairs in the fellowship hall.  Several speakers from Christian Heritage will be presenting their work with Foster Families, adoption, & other related areas of service here in NE.

Sylvia Rogers, with Mission Aviation Fellowship will be speaking to the children downstairs during SS.  Dan & Sylvia Rogers will be the main speakers during the worship gathering.  During that hour, Christian Heritage will also be doing a short presentation. 

Starting at 5:30 p.m. the Bennett family will be presenting a musical program interspersed with sharing about their work with Village Missions. There will also be a short interview of Dan & Sylvia.  Following the program, the Youth Group will be serving ice cream in the fellowship hall.

Thank you.  

Posted by Rick Bartek with