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May 24 Worship Gathering

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SCC Family, 

As you know, we will have our in person worship gathering on May 24.  In addition to this, we will continue to provide our livestream.  For our gathering at the church, there are guidelines that the state has issued for us to follow in order to create the safest environment possible.  As the church of the Lord Jesus, we desire to love one another well in order to be light and salt to our communities.  Jesus declared, "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:34-35).  Thus, we desire to acknowledge differing comfort levels and to look to the interest of others above our own interest.  For this is the posture that Jesus took in order to buy us salvation and make us citizens of the kingdom of God.  As citizens of God's kingdom, we are a people who have been marked by grace and are called to extend grace to others.  We encourage you to participate as your conscious allows, free of judgement from others. 

-Our worship gathering will return to the normal 10:30 a.m. time slot.

-If you are running a temperature, please stay home.  

-If you have underlying health issues, are at-risk, or don't feel comfortable participating in person at this time, we encourage you to stay home and worship with us via the livestream.

-There will be no printed bulletin, so announcements will be posted on our website or sent out via the prayer chain.  

-Pews and seats have been marked for spacing.  Please sit together as a family or individuals.

-There will be no nursery care or Sunday School until the 6-foot distancing rule is lifted.

-Make sure your children stay with you. Please do not let them go outside after the service to play and interact with other children.

 -Please no hugs or handshaking for now.

-If you feel more comfortable wearing a mask, please do so.

*These guidelines were made in conjunction with state advisement and other local churches.  You can view the state guidelines here: State Guidelines

We are looking forward to worshiping together in our church building or via the livestream.   


Posted by Rick Bartek with

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